Wadihuda Crescent English Medium School conducted Annual General Body Meeting on 20th July Saturday. General secretary,(Ta'aleemul Islam Trust) Mr. MUHAMMED KUNHI inaugurated the function. Welcome address was given by the Head Master of the institution Mr. SHABEER N. P. PTA president MR.S.E.P ABDULLA delivered the presidential address. Academic director, (Wadihuda group of institution) MR. MUHAMMED SAJID passed valuable message through the programme. Parent-orientation class was held by the former principal of Wadihuda Higher secondary school, Mr. SHAREEF POVVAL.Annual report of the academic year 2018-19 was presented by staff secretary of the school, Mr. AMEER M. A.Vote of thanks was given by Mr. SARANGA (English teacher).All teaching and non-teaching staffs also provided their valuable contribution, guidance and encouragement for this programme.