Progressive English School celebrated Malarvadi Day on 28 October 2024, with the inauguration of the Malarvadi Club and a series of engaging activities. The program began with a warm welcome by Heena Fayiz, VII B, followed by a presidential address from Ms. Sujithra. R, Principal, who highlighted the significance of the Malarvadi initiative. Our honored guest, Mr. M Idrees, inaugurated the club and shared his experiences. The students enjoyed various fun activities that made the day even more memorable. So many activities are designed to help individuals get to know each other, reduce tension, and foster a sense of comfort in group settings. These activities are especially useful at the beginning of meetings, workshops, or team-building events, as they encourage communication, build trust, and create a positive, inclusive atmosphere. Wafa Abdul Latheef, VII D wrapped up the event with a sincere vote of thanks. expressing gratitude to all involved.