On November 12, 2024, Evolve hosted a thought-provoking bilingual session on "Managing Stress & Anxiety" as part of its ongoing series aimed at personal development. The event took place in a supportive and interactive setting, pro- viding valuable insights into coping with modern-day stressors. The session was led by Mifthahul Janna of Class XC, whose in depth understanding of the topic captivated the audience. With a confident and engaging delivery, she explored various strategies for managing stress and anxiety in day-to-day life. To ensure inclusivity and accessibility, Nuha Naseeh of Class XD skillfully translated the session into the mother tongue, allowing a broader segment of the audience to connect with the message effectively. The session delved into key aspects of stress management, such as: Identifying Stress Triggers: The speaker began by discussing common causes of stress and anxiety, including academic pressure, time management challenges and personal struggles. Practical Coping Strategies: Mifthahul Janna shared actionable techniques for handling stress, such as mindfulness practices, deep breathing exercises, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Importance of Self-Care: She emphasized prioritizing self-care routines to enhance mental well-being and build resilience. Seeking Support: The talk also highlighted the value of reaching out to trusted friends, family, or mentors during times of overwhelming stress. Nuha Naseeh's fluent translation added significant value to the session, making complex concepts more understand- able for everyone. Her contributions ensured the ideas resonated deeply with the diverse audience, fostering a sense of inclusivity and community. The bilingual format allowed participants to engage meaningfully, encouraging discussions and reflections on their own stress management practices. The interactive Q&A segment provided an opportunity for students to seek person- alized advice and share their experiences, creating a dynamic and supportive atmosphere. The session concluded with applause and appreciation from the audience, who expressed gratitude for the practical guidance and relatable content. The event not only provided a platform for learning but also encouraged students to prioritize mental health and well-being in their daily lives. This session reaffirmed Evolve's commitment to addressing relevant and critical issues that affect students. By com- bining student leadership with innovative formats, the event succeeded in empowering attendees with tools to manage stress effectively and foster emotional resilience. Evolve continues to stand out as a platform for nurturing self-aware- ness, inclusivity, and personal growth among students